Paul Bloomer - The Drinking Match

Paul Bloomer was born and raised in the heavily industrialised Black Country and did not consciously choose to become an artist. But at some point in his life the urge to create was so great that he had little choice in the matter.

Four years labouring in a metal pressing factory after leaving school was a formative influence, and went a long way in forming his vision.

He used little colour during these years as his world view didn’t seem big enough to find colour and beauty among the smoking chimney stacks. Joy in nature evaded me. Charcoal became his medium of choice, seeming to be at one with the subject matter, and large-scale woodcuts forced his often unclear ideas into shape.

Most of his work from this area is very autobiographical with a strong sense of narrative, exploring themes such as oppression, exploitation and captivity.


Paul Bloomer - Fens Pools


Paul Bloomer - The Despondent Poet